
I Am Appreciated And Respected
I have never felt more welcome, appreciated, and respected anywhere else than within this firm. I have never felt more at home and at ease, which has been so refreshing.
— KPD Employee

Mentorship and Collaborative Culture
I appreciate your mentorship and ongoing support. Your passion for the success of KPD and each of us individually creates the wonderful and collaborative culture at the firm. It truly makes KPD a great place to grow my career.
— KPD Employee

KPD Thinks Outside the Box
KPD continues to stay cutting edge, engaged with its staff, and think outside the box, all while keeping that feeling of “family” and personally, that’s what I think sets KPD apart the most.
— KPD Employee

Goes Above and Beyond
The firm, as a whole, no matter what state you are in, truly goes above and beyond to grow and make this a perfect work environment.
— KPD Employee

Best Law Firm I’ve Ever Worked At
KPD is hands down the best law firm I’ve ever worked at. They are all about positive culture and diversity and practice what they preach. The downtown Grand Rapids office is up-and-coming and has a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
— KPD Employee