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Indiana WC Update (02-21-2020)

The following notices were recently released by the WCB:

NOTICE 2/21/20

FROI PENALTIES– On March 20, 2020, the Board will celebrate its first anniversary of using EDI 3.1. They have seen errors go down steadily. Beginning on April 1, 2020, the Board will begin evaluating the filing of FROIs under 3.1 for timeliness. FROIs have been filed electronically in Indiana for 20 years. Penalties for untimely FROI filings after April 1, 2020 will be issued. The Board will continue to monitor SROI filings, but no penalties are anticipated for untimely SROIs until a later date and will be announced in advance.

PPI CALCULATOR– A PPI calculator has been added to the Board website and is available here for all. Please note the Multi-digit calculation has been removed from the website and is no longer in use.

For more information or questions on how this pertains to cases you are handling please contact a member of our Indiana Workers’ Compensation Team.
