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Home > All Attorneys > Anthony L. Greco

Anthony started his legal career at Liberty Mutual in their field legal department where he worked on workers’ compensation, commercial insurance, product liability, and auto insurance cases. After Liberty Mutual he worked for a well-respected medical malpractice and insurance defense firm before joining Kopka Pinkus Dolin. Anthony has been able to secure favorable outcomes well below Plaintiff’s demands as well as favorable Medical Review Panel and Equal Opportunity Employment opinions.

Anthony received his B.A. in Communication Studies with minors in philosophy and religious studies from IUPUI and received a Plater Medallion for exemplary commitment to the community. In 2016, he graduated from the IU McKinney School of Law where he received a certificate for environmental and natural resource studies. While in law school, Anthony served as IUPUI’s graduate and professional student body president and received an Honorary Charles R. Bantz Award for Excellence.

At home, Anthony is known as “dad” to an incredible daughter as well as to their labradoodle, Teddy. Currently, Anthony is the treasurer for his neighborhood’s homeowner’s association. He also volunteers for Paws and Think with Teddy, providing animal-assisted therapy to others as well as helping train the next generation of therapy dogs.

  • Indiana State Bar Association
  • Indianapolis Bar Association